How can we meet our budget?
At this point we need 200 people more to pledge approximately 80c a day,
that’s $25 a month.
Did you know?
*Potatoes may have originated in Peru but China is the
largest producer of potatoes in the world (in 2007)
*A potato can be poisonous.
The green parts have toxins so it’s always good to cut that part away
and thoroughly cook your potatoes. That
said, it’s very unlikely to have potato poisoning.
*Potatoes are the 4th most important food crop in
the world, after maize, wheat and rice.
(above facts are taken from
*In Cusco ears of corn are sold steaming hot a roadside
stands. A slice of cheese makes it a
delicious snack.
*A corn stalk is sweet.
It’s a bit like eating sugar cane.
*Potatoes originated in Peru.
*There are over 3000 varieties with names such as “the
potato that makes the daughter-in-law cry”.
*One patriotic potato has a white and a reddish purple
coloring; it’s called .
*In the Andes Mtns. the potato is a staple crop for many
subsistence farmers.