We are a family of four from Southwest Michigan and Cusco, Peru. We currently live in Cusco, Peru, working with La Casa del Maestro-Peru and the Reformed Church in America. We met in Cusco while both of us worked at a non-profit Christian organization. We married in July 2010. After two years in the USA, Albino received his US citizenship and we returned to Peru in October 2013. Doriana joined our family in November 2011. Tobias was born in Cusco in December 2013.
My life (Albino Rodriguez)
I was ill for ten years from the age of two until twelve, almost like a paralytic. During those years my parents desperately searched everywhere for healing. I spent months in the hospitals, crying day and night because of the immense pain that I had in my feet. All were very caring and cried for me, knowing that they could not do anything that would calm my pain. Year after year they took me to traditional healers, witchdoctors, and performed rituals to worship the god of this world. All so that at least the pain would lesson and I would not suffer more. But, hope died, and any glimmer of health also died. For me, there was no healing or health on the face of this earth. And this is the way I saw life, thinking that I would remain a paralytic the rest of my life. The dream of longing to run, walk, and jump was too far away, and I thought that God had forgotten about my suffering. That was until one day, some time in the nineties, when I met Jesus Christ and accepted what he did for me on the cross. He told me in His word that He had died so that in His death I might have life and have life in abundance. Only He could heal me and free me from being a paralytic. Thanks to God, I can now run and do anything that a healthy person can do. I owe my life to the true God. I was a paralytic…. NOW, I AM THE RESULT OF A MIRACLE OF GOD!
After God healed me, He gave me the responsibility to serve Him. I started to study primary school at age thirteen. God, however, gave me many opportunities to continue studying. In this way He prepared me to serve Him. I later studied in seminary and in Lima at a program called CSLA (Advance Studies in Linguistics and Literacy) for people who speak indigenous languages. Before studying in Lima, I was working in the literacy area of ATEK. Upon return from Lima, I helped form the area of authors and publications.
Estaba enfermo por 10 años desde que tenía 2 años hasta los 12 como paralitico. Durante estos años mis padres buscaron sanidad en todas partes con desesperación. Estuve meses en los hospitales llorando día y noche por el inmenso dolor que había en mis pies. Todos se compadecían de mí, y lloraban al verme sin poder hacer algo que me calmará mi dolor. Me llevaban a los curanderos, brujos, realizaron ritos a los dios de este mundo año tras año, a fin de que ellos calmen por lo menos el dolor, para no seguir sufriendo más. La esperanza se terminaba sin esperanza y la llegada de la sanidad estaba truncada. Para mí la sanidad no había sobre la faz de la tierra. Es así que en mi mente pasaban pensamientos de que me quedaría paralítico el resto de mi vida, y que el anhelo que poder correr, caminar, saltar etc. Estaba más lejos y que Dios se había olvidado de mi sufrimiento …Hasta que un día, allá por los años 1990 conocí a Jesucristo y acepté lo que hizo en la cruz por mí, el me decía en su palabra que él había muerto para que yo en su muerte viva y que tenga vida en abundancia...solo él me pudo sanarme y librarme de ser paralitico...Gracias a Dios, ahora puedo correr y hacer de todo como cualquier persona sana...Mi vida se la debo al Dios verdadero... era paralítico...AHORA SOY EL RESULTADO DEL MILAGRO DE DIOS…!
Despues que Dios me sano, me dio la responsabilidad de servirle. Empece a estudiar a los 13 la escuela primaria. Sin embargo Dios me ha dado muchas oportunidades para seguir estudiando, preparandome asi para servirle. Estudie en el seminario y en Lima en un programa CSLA (Curso Superior de Linguistica y Alfabetizacion) para personas de lenguas indigenas. Antes de estudiar en Lima, ya estaba trabajando con ATEK en el area de alfabetizacion. Despues de regresar de Lima, pase a formar parte del area de autores y publicaciones.
Sandra's story-La historia de Sandra
Originally hailing from Portage, Michigan, I landed in Cusco, Peru, in June of 2008. My initial thought was to serve with Wycliffe Associates and an indigenous organization (ATEK) for a year long project. Eight months into the adventure God called me to dedicate my life to Peru; whether he had 4 weeks or 40 years of work for me, I was ready. And now God has not only given me work, He provided a husband and companion. It looks like God is thinking 40 years rather than 4 years.
So how did I end up in Peru? I do not have as dramatic story as Albino, but it’s a good one. God chose to place me in a loving, Christian home. My parents raised me in the church and taught me their faith. I cannot remember a time when I did not know and accept Jesus’s saving grace. There have been ups and downs like everyone has, but He has always been a significant part of my life.
At age thirteen I wanted to cross an ocean. It did not matter where as long it was across the water. With the help of my parents and generosity of many friends and family, I participated in a Youth for Christ service project to Israel. After those two weeks I was hooked on knowing more of the world and missions.
Mission trips and experiences later I lived in Honduras for a year as a teacher to missionary kids. While there, God opened my eyes to needs of missionaries. I knew that my life, at some point, would be more fully dedicated to serving God’s workers. Long story short, after five years of teaching in Colorado Springs and working with the youth in my church, I found the job that God called me to while in Honduras. And, it happened to be in Peru. I am the person in the background, supporting, encouraging, and bringing together the body of Christ. At least that is my hope and desire—to serve my Lord and Savior in gratitude and love for all that He has given me.
So how did I end up in Peru? I do not have as dramatic story as Albino, but it’s a good one. God chose to place me in a loving, Christian home. My parents raised me in the church and taught me their faith. I cannot remember a time when I did not know and accept Jesus’s saving grace. There have been ups and downs like everyone has, but He has always been a significant part of my life.
At age thirteen I wanted to cross an ocean. It did not matter where as long it was across the water. With the help of my parents and generosity of many friends and family, I participated in a Youth for Christ service project to Israel. After those two weeks I was hooked on knowing more of the world and missions.
Mission trips and experiences later I lived in Honduras for a year as a teacher to missionary kids. While there, God opened my eyes to needs of missionaries. I knew that my life, at some point, would be more fully dedicated to serving God’s workers. Long story short, after five years of teaching in Colorado Springs and working with the youth in my church, I found the job that God called me to while in Honduras. And, it happened to be in Peru. I am the person in the background, supporting, encouraging, and bringing together the body of Christ. At least that is my hope and desire—to serve my Lord and Savior in gratitude and love for all that He has given me.