Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Albino’s Citizenship and Our Travel Plans

Albino has his citizenship interview on August 6 at 8:30am in Detroit, MI.  Please be in prayer at that time, for clarity of mind and speech for him and favor with the US immigration official.
Ideally, we would have 100% of our pledges in so that we can return to Peru as soon as the US immigration sends us back (Albino gets his citizenship!).  That said, if you are thinking about pledge, please don’t delay sending that in. ;)  Here’s an e-mail that Sandy wrote to some friends to explain our travel situation and whether we can visit them in September.  See if you can follow. 

Albino has his citizenship interview on August 6.  If accepted, which we don't foresee why he won't be, we have to go to his swearing in ceremony.  Who knows when that is?? (We hope we can do some investigation and figure out possibilities.)  We have a trip scheduled to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for the middle of September.  We are praying that Albino can go; he needs to have a US passport to travel after the ceremony.  So, we'll probably have to get that expedited no matter what, with a trip to the Chicago passport office.  To make it even more exciting, we have to return to Peru within 45 days of that swearing in ceremony.  The question for us remains, how long will we be in Peru?  We are currently awaiting a "verdict” from the RCA office as to whether we have to come back and finish our fundraising after a quick visit.  Or, can we stay until June 2014 and come back for Tim's wedding (Sandy’s brother for those who don’t know) AND fundraising, staying until we reach that 100% mark?

No matter the situation, God’s hand is in this all.  If we get Albino’s citizenship now, we won’t have complications with Albino’s international travel plans in the future.  Having 100% of our funds pledged/raised, means we can focus on our ministry in Cusco; of course, we’ll still be communicating and keeping in touch with you all—it just won’t be the same travelling and networking needed.  It will all happen in the best timing.

51% Funds Raised

51% !!! Over half way.  Can we reach 100% before October??  Please pray along with us for God’s provision.
We’re making progress for sure.  Our new goal is to have all our support pledged by the end of September when Albino (hopefully) receives his US citizenship.  Please pray about being an important part of our team by supporting us financially.  Remember, you can give on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.  We just need to know if those monies will be coming in J
Did you know?
*Potatoes may have originated in Peru but China is the largest producer of potatoes in the world (in 2007)
*A potato can be poisonous.  The green parts have toxins so it’s always good to cut that part away and thoroughly cook your potatoes.  That said, it’s very unlikely to have potato poisoning.
*Potatoes are the 4th most important food crop in the world, after maize, wheat and rice. 
(above facts are taken from http://www.potato2008.org/en/kids/)
*In Cusco ears of corn are sold steaming hot a roadside stands.  A slice of cheese makes it a delicious snack.
*A corn stalk is sweet.  It’s a bit like eating sugar cane.
*Potatoes originated in Peru.
*There are over 3000 varieties with names such as “the potato that makes the daughter-in-law cry”.
*One patriotic potato has a white and a reddish purple coloring; it’s called .
*In the Andes Mtns. the potato is a staple crop for many subsistence farmers.

(Each body part, not including the feet, represents 10% of the total support we must raise.  Help us put together Mr. Potato Head.)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Girl Rising Movie

Girl Rising We highly recommend this movie, a documentary that follows the lives of 9 girls around the world.  The message:  educated females change the world around them.  Senna, a featured student, is from the highlands of the Andes Mtns. in Peru.  Powerful stories are told; if you are like Sandy, have a box of tissues by your side while watching.
It recently aired on CNN but more commonly you can find it at private showings around the U.S.  Check out www.girlrising.com

These stories resonated with us.  At La Casa del Maestro we want to be a part of the movement that makes it possible for girls to receive an education, be safer from the dangers in Cusco, and change their world.

Naturalization Update

After some confusion regarding the biometrics (fingerprinting) appointment, we finally made a trip into Grand Rapids and knocked that off the list of things to do.  A couple weeks later, we received notice for Albino’s initial interview for naturalization.  August 1, was the date, but two days later USCIS cancelled it due to “unforeseen circumstances.”  At the moment we are again in the waiting game, but at least we know that he is in the system and there are no real complications or road blocks.  Albino faithfully studies his 100 civics and history questions, and now can put most Americans to shame with his knowledge of the US.  If all continues down the same path and we have a date close to the initial one, we will head back to Peru in September/October.

Reformed Church in America General Synod

The RCA Global Mission invited us to the annual denominational meeting in order to commission us as missionaries and give us opportunities to network amongst the delegates, pastors, and staff of the church.  The whole experience was profitable and positive. Doriana was definitely our secret weapon for getting people to approach our booth and talk with us.  Now we just have to follow up with everyone, pray that God moves in their hearts, and pray that they respond.  Please join us in prayer that God will raise up the needed support so that we can return to Peru sooner, rather than later.