Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What We’re Reading

3. The very spiritual, Toilet Training In Less Than A Day, is the book of choice this week. J  My goal is to go through the training process by the end of the month—day to be determined.   I know, I know, many people go longer than 18 months and have multiple kids in diapers.  I could continue, but why wait when she´s ready?  I´m not expecting 100% trained by the end of Wednesday, but it won´t be much worse than our cloth diapers that need to be change every couple hours or they leak, or they just plain leak occasionally.  Wish us luck on this new adventure.

2. I, Sandy, just finished The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns. It was a good reminder that the money and opportunities that we have our entrusted to us, ours to use to God’s glory and in service of His people.  Are we, Christ’s church as a whole and individuals, revolutionizing our world?  Does my heart break for the suffering people around the world?  Do I even ask God for a heart like His, and really mean it?

1. This combined with Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover is causing us to take a look at our finances and how we save, give, and invest our money.  I was taught well as a child how to manage my money, and Albino is naturally frugal.   A job change, raising a child and other life circumstances are all good reasons for us to do an even better job.  This very practical book is great for me.  I always want the HOW of something, and this has the steps, right down to percentages.  I’d learned the principles but now have a better idea of how to go about them..

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