Monday, December 9, 2013

Cultural Differences

It's definitely been a shock for us after two years being away, maybe even more for Albino.  He's seeing Cusco through new eyes.  For Sandy, it's more of a reminder of what she went through 5 years ago (add on a two year old, but similar). Here's some snippets.  I guess right now some of our view is a bit negative, to be honest.  At least we know there is an upswing on the way according to the typical cultural transition patterns.

-Personal space (the bubble) is definitely less here.  Public transportation is always full, hip to hip on the bus.  Or, standing in line at the hospital clinic, one lady wanted to make sure no on got through between us. She leaned into me hard enough that I (Sandy) had to brace myself.  People also greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. This closeness is a bit much for Doriana, especially when it comes from adults.
-Lines don't exist-not at least in an orderly way.  You must push your way to the front, whoever gets to the desk first gets served first.
-Life just takes longer here--meals are from scratch, people just don't show up at the scheduled time, no such thing as one stop shopping
-The whole city is under construction.  Major roads are being paved. Houses and apartment buildings are going up everywhere.
-Littering is common.
-Dogs are everywhere.  Doriana loves to talk about the dogs who run and bark. She also tells them to be quiet (Shh! Shh!), even from inside the house when she's trying to go to sleep.

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